The presence of God moves in unique ways, sometimes outside of the confines of our plans.
Men & Women of Integrity
Both Men of Integrity & Women of Integrity are ministries developed to cultivate fellowship among the men & women of Integrity Church, regardless of age group or demographic. Our goal is to bring together men & women from Integrity to fellowship, share Godly insight, and create a strong community of believers within the body of Christ.
Men’s Meeting Time - Every 4th Saturday of the month at 11am.
Women’s Meeting Time - Every other Tuesday at 11am.
Email For More Info: integritychurchweb@gmail.com
The leadership teams responsible for both Men of Integrity & Women of Integrity would like to say thank you to everyone who participates and make the meetings so special!
Family Picnics
To cultivate the love of family at Integrity Church, we’ll sometimes have picnics and Sunday lunches to come together for a time of physical and emotional nourishment. These serve as a time to fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ while enjoying food lovingly prepared by members of the Integrity Church family.
Meeting Time - Occasional, announced 2-3 weeks in advance.
Baptism Sunday
Baptism serves as a symbolic reminder of the Spiritiual transformation that takes place when we accept Jesus, and as such, is a recommended step in our walk with the Lord. Integrity Church will hold baptismal services either at Integrity or on the beach every 2-3 months, providing opportunities to be baptized for anyone who might want it.
Meeting Time - Occasional, announced 4-5 weeks in advance.
Baby Dedications
Dedicating young life to the Lord is one of the greatest decisions a parent can make. We host baby dedications whenever there’s a new birth in the congregation to commit their life to the paths of the Lord, and commit their parents to raise them according to Godly teaching.
Meeting Time - Occasional, announced 1-2 weeks in advance.
Worship Nights
Gathering to Glorify and Worship the most high God should be a priority, which is why we host Worship Nights every 1-2 months to soak in the presence of our King. These are generally hosted on Wednesday nights in place of our normal Wednesday night service.
Meeting Time - Occasional, announced 2-3 weeks in advance.
Events Calendar
We regularly update our Events Calendar with new and upcoming events.
You can find our weekly announcements here.